
NEW Nest Aware is Great, BUT It’s Not For Everyone

everybody that is what we’re gonna bediscussing in today’s video so staytuned hey everyone welcome back toanother video so I have not covered neston this channel because theirsubscriptions I’ve been so expensiveprices ranged anywhere from five dollarsall the way up to $30 a month and thatis per camera granted if you havemultiple cameras you can get a discounton that but say if I have four camerasaround the house it is gonna cost me $60a month just in subscription fees if Iwant 30 days of continuous recording sobecause of that I’ve actually stayedaway from nest products back in Octoberof 2019 nest announced that they aregoing to be completely redoing theirsubscription service and it would becoming out in early 2020 well a few daysago they just announced the newsubscription and here’s what it comeswith there are two plans that you canchoose from you can choose the basicnest aware where you can choose the nestAware plus both plans includeintelligent alerts sound detection andemergency calling with the nest awarebasic you’re going to get 30 days ofevent based recording which is typicalwhat we see with like ringing and/or lowthat plan is going to be at $6 a monthor $60 for a one-year subscription theyalso have the nest aware plus that isgoing to be at 12 dollars a month or 120dollars a year and that is going toinclude 60 days of event based recordingand 10 days so about a week and a halfof 24/7 recording now what makes theseprices so great is that that priceincludes all cameras all Google nestdevices that you have whether it becameras speakers or displays that pricecovers all devices so for say $12 amonth you’re going to have all of yourdevices covered with 60 days of eventbased recording and 10 days the 24-hourrecording on everything so that is acredible price if you have multipledevices and multiple cameras so as greatas these prices are it’s not going to befor everybody if you are a current userthat has the old subscription set up andyou just have one camera you could bepaying as low as five dollars a monthfor five days of continuous recordingyour option then is to pay a dollar moreso six dollars a month to give you 30days of event based recording but isevent based recording as good ascontinuous recording personally I don’tthink so I prefer just continuousrecording from save an extra dollar andjust keep that otherwise you’re gonnahave to pay over double that pricetwelve dollars a month to get 60 days ofevent based recording which is great andten days of continuous recording nowgranted that is going to be doubling atyour recording but do you really needall that extra history being saved Idon’t know in addition to the newpricing for the nest aware at Google isalso cutting prices on to other productsthat is going to be the nest hub that’sgoing to go from one hundred and thirtydollars all the way down to ninetydollars and then also the nest indoorcam that is going to be going from ahundred and ninety nine dollars all theway down to a hundred and thirty if youguys want to check out those deals Iwill leave links in the descriptionbelow so what do you guys think of thenew subscription plan if you’re acurrent nest user are you going to bejumping over or keeping the plan thatyou have if you’re shopping aroundis this entice you to go with nest oryou’re still going to be looking forother things also would you guys like tosee me do nest products on this channelif so I’m gonna put a pull up in the topcorner click on that let me know ifyou’d like to see that or not I hopethis video is helpful for you if so giveit a thumbs up let me know that youliked it as always don’t forget tosubscribe for more content like this andI’ll see you guys in the next video

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